

As a professional IT service provider, we have been reliably supporting companies in their digital transformation, the individual digitalization of their business processes and the organization of IT projects for over 20 years. Our broad portfolio of IT services, managed by our experienced IT specialists, is divided into the two areas of Digital Solutions and Digital Consulting & Project Management.


In the field of digital solutions, we have successfully implemented a large number of projects and business ideas together with our customers and partners in various constellations over the past few years. By using established processes, technologies and frameworks, high-quality solutions are created that can be used, further developed and expanded over many years.

The result is the perfect digital solution to support your business processes.


Custom Software

We would like you to perceive us as a partner who stands by you in all questions concerning your software projects. We strive to create sustainable and future-oriented software – the basis for cooperation with you and your trust.

You want software to work? We take care of it!

This care begins in-house. We focus on a long-term commitment of our employees and thus guarantee you the greatest possible continuity of your project contact persons.

More about custom software development for business

Custom Software

We would like you to perceive us as a partner who stands by you in all questions concerning your software projects. We strive to create sustainable and future-oriented software – the basis for cooperation with you and your trust.

You want software to work? We take care of it!

This care begins in-house. We focus on a long-term commitment of our employees and thus guarantee you the greatest possible continuity of your project contact persons.

More about custom software development for business


MVP – From the idea to the solution

In the beginning there is always an idea…

… usually the simplest ideas are the most successful. There are basically no “bad ideas” either. It is important to approach ideas professionally, to deal with them objectively, to evaluate them and to develop them further. Often the greatest opportunities come from initial failures.

We offer you the right tools and support you in finding ideas and new ways for your company.

More about MVP development for companies and startups

Web Entwicklung bits industrie40 agile

Web development

Custom fullstack web development has been one of our core competencies for many years and BITS has now successfully completed over 250 web development projects.

Besides our expert knowledge in backend and frontend development of simple or very complex individual web applications, we also support them in the conception, architecture or operation of their individual solutions.

They can also rely on BITS as a reliable partner for the further development or optimization of existing Internet/cloud system landscapes.

More about web development and design for business

Web development

Custom fullstack web development has been one of our core competencies for many years and BITS has now successfully completed over 250 web development projects.

Besides our expert knowledge in backend and frontend development of simple or very complex individual web applications, we also support them in the conception, architecture or operation of their individual solutions.

They can also rely on BITS as a reliable partner for the further development or optimization of existing Internet/cloud system landscapes.

More about web development and design for business

Web Entwicklung bits industrie40 agile
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App development

We support you in the development of your individual mobile apps for iOS and Android, starting with the idea up to the GoLive in the app stores.

We use both hybrid and native technologies, depending on what the project requires or what makes sense. In addition to the mobile apps, we also create the backend required for operation and integrate these into your existing system landscape.

BITS has developed both B2B and B2C apps in the past and continues to operate them successfully today.

More about app development for enterprises and startups

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Benchmark Framework

The benchmark framework developed by BITS offers companies the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive overview of their products in comparison to the competition.

The centralized and structured collection of data on various aspects of the competitive comparison allow a simple and clear evaluation entirely according to one’s own needs.

The technical framework can be easily integrated into your existing IT system landscape, simplifying the analysis and presentation process and giving your company a major competitive advantage.

More about the Benchmark Framework for Enterprises

Benchmark Framework

The benchmark framework developed by BITS offers companies the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive overview of their products in comparison to the competition.

The centralized and structured collection of data on various aspects of the competitive comparison allow a simple and clear evaluation entirely according to one’s own needs.

The technical framework can be easily integrated into your existing IT system landscape, simplifying the analysis and presentation process and giving your company a major competitive advantage.

More about the Benchmark Framework for Enterprises

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We are your experienced and reliable consulting partner for digital consulting and project management in the digital environment. From strategy and implementation to change or training measures, we know the technologies and have the agile tools on board. Our experienced IT consultants and IT project managers support you in strategic issues and projects in a wide range of areas.

Wherever it makes sense for you as a customer, we dovetail our Digital Consulting and Digital Solutions teams – silently and highly effectively.

IT Consulting

In our digitalized, changing world, IT solutions in your company must meet the changing, technical requirements at all times.

Our goal is to derive opportunities from these requirements and to realize decisive competitive advantages for you.

Our experts support you conceptually, strategically and technically in the implementation of digital solutions and strategies. The most up-to-date IT technologies and IT approaches are used in each case.

Our consulting spectrum covers the most diverse areas, technologies and industries.

Our solution for your success.

More about IT consulting and IT consulting for companies

BITS IT Consulting Experte unterstutzt bei Umsetzung digitaler Losungen im Buro am Computertisch BITS GmbH
BITS IT Consulting Experte unterstutzt bei Umsetzung digitaler Losungen im Buro am Computertisch BITS GmbH

IT Consulting

In our digitalized, changing world, IT solutions in your company must meet the changing, technical requirements at all times.

Our goal is to derive opportunities from these requirements and to realize decisive competitive advantages for you.

Our experts support you conceptually, strategically and technically in the implementation of digital solutions and strategies. The most up-to-date IT technologies and IT approaches are used in each case.

Our consulting spectrum covers the most diverse areas, technologies and industries.

Our solution for your success.

More about IT consulting and IT consulting for companies

BITS Projekleiter und Software Entwickler diskutieren uber das Projekt am Computertisch im Buro BITS GmbH

IT Project Management

BITS has been supporting its customers in successfully implementing their IT projects for many years.

We are not content with just supporting IT projects, we are only satisfied when we have brought the IT projects to the finish line.

Our certified project managers accompany you through all phases of IT projects, starting with the conception, quality management and implementation to rollout, operation and support.

We are happy to take over the complete project management of your IT projects, or to support your existing teams in the successful implementation with classic, agile as well as hybrid project management methods.

More about IT project management for enterprises and startups

IT Quality Assurance

“BITS Quality” for your projects.

Our claim is to ensure “BITS quality” for our customers. Our quality management takes effect right from the start. Consistent quality management is an important building block in modern IT projects and an essential guarantor for the economic success of your IT projects.

Our experts help you keep your IT projects, IT systems and software projects at a high quality level or get them there.

More about IT quality assurance for enterprises and startups

mybits qualitaetsicherung
mybits qualitaetsicherung

IT Quality Assurance

“BITS Quality” for your projects.

Our claim is to ensure “BITS quality” for our customers. Our quality management takes effect right from the start. Consistent quality management is an important building block in modern IT projects and an essential guarantor for the economic success of your IT projects.

Our experts help you keep your IT projects, IT systems and software projects at a high quality level or get them there.

More about IT quality assurance for enterprises and startups

Transition Management

We ensure that your IT infrastructures are integrated in a controlled and smooth manner.

You want to move a data center or other IT infrastructure – from A to B, or to the cloud? Contact us, because we have experience in mastering highly complex migration projects.

We know the optimal process of a transition on the way from conception to handover of operations. Our experienced project managers draw on our proven project methodology and use tools specially designed for these requirements. For you, this means a controlled transition and smooth processes.

More about Transition Management

Knowledge Management

Use the key resource knowledge for your company – simply and maximally

Over the years, knowledge has become an elementary key resource of companies. We help you to manage this resource professionally and to design and implement a customized knowledge management for your company.

We know that technical solutions alone are not sustainable. That’s why we always keep an eye on all the building blocks of a successful knowledge management triangle: We ensure that people, organization and technology make their contribution to knowledge management in your company and that they are perfectly coordinated with each other.

In this way, we put you in a position to achieve and sustain higher levels of knowledge maturity than today. This way you can use the knowledge in your company effectively in the long term.

More on knowledge management for enterprises and startups

Knowledge Management BITS GmbH 2
Knowledge Management BITS GmbH 2

Knowledge Management

Use the key resource knowledge for your company – simply and maximally

Over the years, knowledge has become an elementary key resource of companies. We help you to manage this resource professionally and to design and implement a customized knowledge management for your company.

We know that technical solutions alone are not sustainable. That’s why we always keep an eye on all the building blocks of a successful knowledge management triangle: We ensure that people, organization and technology make their contribution to knowledge management in your company and that they are perfectly coordinated with each other.

In this way, we put you in a position to achieve and sustain higher levels of knowledge maturity than today. This way you can use the knowledge in your company effectively in the long term.

More on knowledge management for enterprises and startups


We have successfully implemented a large number of IT projects, including in the areas of digital transformation, web/app development, IT project management, IT infrastructure and Industry 4.0. We have described some of these projects in more detail in specific case studies below.

Seamless connection of a Shopware 6 online store with the SAP Business ByDesign ERP system

In this project, BITS successfully connected the online store of a medium-sized manufacturing company to their SAP ERP system.

Reduction of CO2 emissions (IT decarbonization) at a globally operating group

As part of this project to decarbonize IT, BITS has taken on the IT project management and consulting. By using innovative technologies, a contribution was made to climate protection.

Migration of a Java business application to Docker as well as startup within a Kubernetes cluster

In this project, the task was to migrate a hotel management software consisting of Java backend, relational database and Angular frontend from a native server environment to a Kubernetes cluster. At the same time, the Kubernetes cluster was designed, rebuilt and commissioned.

Programming, operation and further development of the curated recruiting platform swarmscout.com for personal network recruiting

On behalf of opexxia GmbH, a consulting and implementation agency for complex operational projects in the retail sector, BITS GmbH as IT development partner implemented and successfully put into operation the Internet recruiting platform swarmscout.com.

Integration of GPT-4 (ChatGPT) via OpenAI API into an enterprise travel application for automated curated content generation.

The goal of this project was to streamline the process of creating personalized recommendations for places and experiences through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by integrating features of GPT-4 (ChatGPT) into an enterprise web app via the OpenAI API.

Conception, planning, control and execution of a data center move with production-critical infrastructure

BITS organized and coordinated the relocation of the IT landscape from one data center to a new data center for a globally active corporation in the automotive industry (data center migration). The project comprised around 150 applications and 600 servers, some of which had production-relevant effects, and was supported by us over a period of 3 years.

Migration and optimization of a legacy application due to end of support and security risks as well as enhancement with new modern interfaces

The task in this project was to migrate and modernize a 20+ year old in-house development for managing technical drawings due to end of support and security risks, and to create a new GUI.


Together, reliably and in the long term, we as an IT service provider want to support you in your IT projects. You will find a selection of our customers in this section.


Since 2019, BMW AG has been using software developed by BITS to support the product development process.


The issue entails many risks and causes high costs. Max Stadler (IT project manager at BITS GmbH) reports in the following video on how BITS has proceeded in our customer projects to leverage these savings potentials at the customer.

In this video, Max Stadler (IT project manager at BITS GmbH) talks about the necessary measures and explains what is important.

BITS GmbH is responsible for numerous agile projects with tight budgets in the corporate environment. Oliver Köppel (IT project manager at BITS) tells in the following video how this works successfully in practice and what needs to be considered.

The use cases are central building blocks of agile IT projects. They help to maintain communication with stakeholders and thus achieve the intended goals. In this video, Oliver Köppel explains in six steps what is important.

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product and is an approach in agile software development that allows you to create a first functional version of a digital solution with minimal resources. In this video, Marc Schallehn (Managing Director of BITS GmbH) introduces you to the MVPbyBITS process model and goes into detail about the phases that our customer projects go through.



Web application development


and operation
Web applications


Mobile app development


and operation
mobile apps


Frontend and App Programming


of web front-ends,
Apps (iOS/Android)
and PWAs


Backend programming


and operation
from backends
(Web) applications


Database design


and analysis


Legacy development and modernization




Software and IT operation


From software
and IT systems,
1st/2nd/3rd Level


IT consulting and project mgmt.


IT Consulting,
Project Management


IT quality assurance


Quality assurance
IT systems


Agile approach and methods


Agile methods,

JavaSecurityAngularCSSRESTJavascriptAgileHTMLLegacy systemsTypescriptPrivacySQLJsonApp developmentSOAPJIRAWeb applicationsSpring BootProgressive Web Apps (PWA)AndroidResponsive WebHibernateData transmissionInterfacesMySQLExceliOSNodeJSUnit TestingXMLOracleSCSSScrumApache TomcatLinux ServerI18nPHPOracle Database ServerConfluenceWebsocketsWindows ServerIonicPlay FrameworkAngularJS.NETJQuerySpringMS-SQL ServerIBM WebSphereDesignBackupC#ESXiCitrix ServerF5 FirewallsVue.jsScalaJPAJ2EEAPIFlutterTestCompleteMicrosoft TeamsSAP Business WarehousePrototypingPDFAzure CloudWeb developmentNginx


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