An important milestone reached: BITS GmbH is proud to be TISAX certified!

TISAX Result

June 2023

As an established IT services company, BITS GmbH has always placed great emphasis on the security and protection of customers’ data. Since May 2023 we are officially certified according to the TISAX standard. This certification is a significant milestone for us and confirms our commitment to the highest standards of information security and data protection.


The ENX Association supports the common acceptance of information security in the automotive industry with TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) on behalf of the VDA (Verband Der Automobilindustrie).

The TISAX assessments are conducted by independent audit providers who demonstrate their qualifications at regular intervals.

Our path to TISAX certification and conclusion

For BITS GmbH, confidentiality, availability and integrity of information have a high priority. We have taken extensive measures to protect sensitive and/or confidential information in particular and follow the VDA ISA questionnaire on information security issued by the German Association of the Automotive Industry.

On the way to TISAX certification, we worked intensively on our processes and security measures to meet the strict requirements. It was a team effort with many colleagues contributing.

The certification marks an important milestone in our ongoing commitment to data privacy and information security. We will continue to invest in our security measures, provide training for our employees and use innovative technologies to ensure that we always meet the highest standards.

The TISAX results

The assessment was conducted by an audit provider, in this case the TISAX audit provider DEKRA Certification GmbH.

TISAX and TISAX results are not intended for the general public.

The result is exclusively available via the ENX portal:

Scope ID: SC4PHZ
Assessment ID: AC3920