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NestJS | TypeScript | RxJS | Angular NestJS is a framework for building scalable, modular and efficient server-side applications with TypeScript.
It is built on the popular Node.js runtime environment and is designed to work with a variety of powerful libraries and frameworks such as Express.js, Fastify and Socket.io.
One of the key features of NestJS is the use of a modular architecture that makes it easy to split an application into smaller, reusable components.
This modular approach allows developers to easily scale their applications as they grow, and it also makes it easier to test and maintain the codebase.
NestJS is commonly used for creating APIs and microservices, as well as server-side applications for web, mobile and IoT (Internet of Things) devices.
NestJS can be integrated with a variety of databases, including MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL, and it also supports real-time communication via WebSockets.
Related technologies commonly used with NestJS include Angular (a popular front-end JavaScript framework), TypeScript (a typed superset of JavaScript) and RxJS (a library for reactive programming).

The experts at BITS have used NestJS in a large number of projects. You can find a selection of case studies and references below.

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