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As a professional IT service provider based in Munich, we have been reliably supporting companies in their IT projects for over 20 years in order to solve their digital challenges together in the long term.

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In everything we do, we pay attention to our togetherness. Authentic action, open communication and respect for the other person are the cornerstones of good teamwork and a good working atmosphere. Together, we want to advance our customers, partners and ourselves as an IT service provider.

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We make sure that we act reliably. We can only achieve our quality promise to our customers and partners together if we are reliable in what we do – this applies to BITS as well as to the team members – we can rely on each other.

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Our goal: A long-term cooperation as IT service provider with our customers, partners, colleagues. Because we are convinced that together we can all achieve the most in the long term.


Our broad portfolio of IT services, managed by our experienced IT specialists, is divided into two business areas: Digital Solutions and Digital Consulting & Project Management. We support medium-sized companies, corporations and start-ups in the planning, implementation and realization of their IT projects.

Digital Solutions

Do you need the perfect digital solution to support and automate your business processes? Do you need help consolidating and optimizing your data structures, databases and interfaces?

You can’t and don’t want to compromise when it comes to implementing your individual requirements?

Are you looking for a partner for your IT projects who understands your requirements and can provide you with reliable advice, organization and programming?

Talk to us! As IT specialists, we have understood our customers for over 20 years and translate their technical requirements into digital business solutions that your company really needs.

BITS is your IT service provider for customized IT solutions and digital transformation, tablet and screen
BITS is your IT service provider for customized IT solutions and digital transformation, tablet and screen

Digital Solutions

Do you need the perfect digital solution to support and automate your business processes? Do you need help consolidating and optimizing your data structures, databases and interfaces?

You can’t and don’t want to compromise when it comes to implementing your individual requirements?

Are you looking for a partner for your IT projects who understands your requirements and can provide you with reliable advice, organization and programming?

Talk to us! As IT specialists, we have understood our customers for over 20 years and translate their technical requirements into digital business solutions that your company really needs.

BITS is your IT service provider for IT project management and strategic IT consulting, IT meeting at the conference table

Digital Consulting & Project Management

Do you need support in the run-up to or during the implementation of your IT projects?

Are you looking for a competent contact partner – regardless of the current phase of your IT project?

Our IT experts will be happy to advise you as early as the concretization of your ideas. As a result, we cover the entire spectrum of IT consulting and IT project management services in a wide range of industries. We look forward to hearing from you!

BITS is your IT service provider for IT project management and strategic IT consulting, IT meeting at the conference table

Digital Consulting & Project Management

Do you need support in the run-up to or during the implementation of your IT projects?

Are you looking for a competent contact partner – regardless of the current phase of your IT project?

Our IT experts will be happy to advise you as early as the concretization of your ideas. As a result, we cover the entire spectrum of IT consulting and IT project management services in a wide range of industries. We look forward to hearing from you!


Years of experience
Successful projects
IT experts


We have successfully implemented a large number of IT projects, including in the areas of digital transformation, web/app development, IT project management, IT infrastructure and Industry 4.0. We have described some of these projects in more detail in specific case studies below.



Together, reliably and in the long term, we as an IT service provider want to support you in your IT projects. A selection of our customers, partners as well as industries can be found in this section.

„Zusammen mit der BITS GmbH als technischen Partner für die Entwicklung des PRISMA-Portals und der mobilen App, haben wir die PRISMA-Studie erfolgreich begonnen. Wir wollen mit dieser neuen Versorgungsform die Lebensqualität und Therapietreue von Brustkrebspatientinnen verbessern.“

Hier geht es zur Case Study

Prof. Dr. Marion Kiechle, Director of the Gynecological Clinic at the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich

“Die erfolgreiche Umsetzung des Projekts war nur durch das engagierte und kompetente Team der beteiligten MAN IT Abteilungen und derer Service Provider sowie des DCNext Projektteams der BITS möglich. Das neue Datacenter und die optimierten Prozesse bilden eine solide Basis für die Zukunft und sind ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung Digitalisierung und Innovation. Nach mittlerweile mehreren Monaten Betrieb des neuen Datacenters zeigt sich, dass sich die erzielten technischen und organisatorischen Optimierungen auszahlen und sich alle beteiligten Abteilungen und Partner bestens eingeschwungen haben. Ich danke dem gesamten Team für die herausragende Leistung und gratuliere zu diesem erfolgreichen Projekt!”

Hier geht es zur Case Study

Thomas Gibis, Vice President - IT Infrastructure Services, MAN Truck & Bus SE

“Zusammen mit der BITS GmbH als strategischer IT Partner haben wir die Plattform www.getraenkedienst.com erfolgreich gestartet und über die letzten Jahre weiter zu einer der bekanntesten Plattformen für Getränkelieferung im Internet ausgebaut. Die Zusammenarbeit mit der BITS erlaubt es uns kurzfristig und professionell auf alle IT Anforderungen unserer Handelspartner einzugehen und diese optimal an die Plattform anzuschließen. 2022 haben wir zusammen mit der BITS die Plattform über Deutschland hinaus auch erfolgreich in Österreich platziert.”

Hier geht es zur Case Study

Stefan Matheis, Managing Director of drink now GmbH