a black and white logo
a blue and black logo

Migration and optimization of a legacy application due to end of support and security risks as well as enhancement with new modern interfaces

The task in this project was to migrate and modernize an over 20-year-old in-house development for the management of technical drawings due to the end of support and security risks, and to create a new GUI. The BITS experts took on the following roles in this project: IT consulting, IT project management, IT architecture, software development and UX/UI.

Scrum agil BITS GmbH

Success factor BITS team

“The smooth migration and optimization of this legacy application, which is over 20 years old, also relies heavily on the BITS team’s decades of experience and expertise in these technologies. Knowledge of the old systems paired with knowledge of modern architectures, technologies and interfaces was a decisive factor in carrying out the migration efficiently and securely without disrupting operations. We are delighted to have successfully completed this challenging project.”

Marc Schallehn Geschäftsführer BITS GmbHMarc Schallehn, Managing Director, BITS GmbH


One challenge was to modernize a legacy application that was over 20 years old to ensure that it continued to meet the company’s requirements. Another challenge was the interaction with other systems and partner systems, which was very complex due to the many different interfaces to various departments and contacts. In addition, there were long release cycles for the connected systems concerned.

  • Modernization of a legacy application over 20 years old

  • Interaction with complex systems and partner systems

  • Long release cycles of the connected systems concerned


The project was implemented in an agile manner according to the Scrum method and comprised several steps: from analysis and preparatory work, project management and consulting to the development and revision of the UX/UI. First, a comprehensive analysis of the legacy application was performed to determine which parts of the application needed to be updated to minimize support and security risks. Likewise, it was decided which new functions should be added to the application. The results were then documented and a project concept was created from them. This was followed by detailed project planning with resource allocation, preparation of a schedule and determination of the budget. It was necessary to ensure that all stakeholders worked closely together to ensure the successful completion of the project. New interfaces were implemented, security protocols were updated, and the application’s performance was optimized. The GUI has been redesigned to make the application more user-friendly and intuitive.

  • Detailed project planning incl. Allocating resources, creating a schedule and setting the budget

  • Ensuring close cooperation for successful project completion

  • Implementation of new interface, update of security protocols, optimization of performance and revision of the UX/UI

  • Agile approach according to Scrum

  • Extension of the application with new functions

  • Development of a project concept

Project roles at a glance

The BITS experts took on the following roles in this project:

  • IT consulting/consulting

  • IT project management

  • IT architecture

  • Development

  • UX/UI


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