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Project organization for the reduction of CO2 emissions in the IT infrastructure (IT decarbonization) at a globally known commercial vehicle manufacturer

As part of a project to decarbonize IT at a globally renowned commercial vehicle manufacturer, BITS GmbH has taken over IT project management and consulting. The aim of this project was to create a more sustainable IT landscape through the use of innovative technologies and efficient processes, thereby contributing to climate protection.

Portrait of Two Female and Male Engineers Using Laptop Computer BITS GmbH


The decarbonization of IT requires a deep understanding of IT infrastructure, processes and technologies. One challenge was to implement comprehensive energy management software. This should enable a transparent analysis of energy consumption and show the interactions between the IT infrastructure and the building infrastructure. In addition, the feasibility of a rooftop photovoltaic system on the data center in Dachau had to be examined. This included evaluation of various factors such as site conditions, architectural constraints, and technical requirements. It was necessary to find a solution that was both technically feasible and economically viable. Last but not least, the coordination of external service providers, such as structural engineers and installers, required a high degree of methodological competence in project management in order to align the many stakeholders at the right time and to professionally manage the many players in this complex project while adhering to the project’s milestones. Another key component of the project was CO2 monitoring. It required precise data collection and analysis in order to establish a meaningful monitoring system.

  • Deep understanding of IT infrastructure, processes and technologies

  • Implementation of comprehensive energy management software

  • Evaluation of various factors to check the feasibility of the rooftop photovoltaic system

  • Accurate data collection and analysis to build a meaningful monitoring system

  • Managing numerous stakeholders at the right time


BITS GmbH was involved in the project both organizationally in project management and in IT consulting. Comprehensive energy management software was successfully implemented in the fourth quarter of 2022. Structured data collection and analysis provided transparent insights into energy consumption. These findings served as the basis for decisions on CO2 reduction and PUE optimization. In addition, the insights gained could also have a positive impact on decisions and alignments in other departments, such as purchasing. BITS GmbH played an active role in the project development of the rooftop photovoltaic system on the data center in Dachau and coordinated external service providers such as structural engineers and photovoltaic installers. In addition, it supported the customer’s approval process and contributed to the presentation of the economic framework data. This ensured that the project could be successfully implemented. Furthermore, BITS GmbH conducted an inventory of the entire IT equipment and compared the energy consumption in kilowatt hours per year as well as the CO2 footprint of the main consumers. This allowed CO2 emissions to be better monitored and targeted measures to be taken to reduce them.

  • Introduction of the energy management software

  • Development of the rooftop photovoltaic system

  • CO2 monitoring

Projektrollen im Überblick

Die Experten/innen der BITS übernahmen folgende Rollen in diesem Projekt.

  • IT project support

  • IT-Consulting / Consulting


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