Case-Studies und Referenzen im Konzern und Enterprise Umfeld

Die BITS ist Ihr verlässlicher IT-Partner für anspruchsvolle IT-Projekte in Konzernstrukturen. Unsere langjährige Erfahrung ermöglichen es uns, komplexe IT-Herausforderungen erfolgreich zu bewältigen und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für große Unternehmen zu entwickeln.

Besondere Anforderungen bei Konzern-IT Projekten

Skalierbarkeit und Flexibilität: In großen Unternehmen sind IT-Lösungen gefragt, die skalierbar und flexibel sind, um den wechselnden Anforderungen und dem Wachstum gerecht zu werden. Wir entwickeln robuste Systeme, die problemlos erweitert werden können.

Sicherheit und Compliance: Der Schutz sensibler Daten hat höchste Priorität. Unsere Lösungen entsprechen den strengsten Sicherheitsstandards und gesetzlichen Vorgaben, um die Integrität und Vertraulichkeit Ihrer Daten zu gewährleisten.

Integration komplexer Systeme: Konzerne verfügen oft über eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher IT-Systeme. Wir sorgen für nahtlose Integration und Interoperabilität, damit Ihre IT-Landschaft effizient und reibungslos funktioniert.

Globale Koordination: Unsere Projekte berücksichtigen die Anforderungen global agierender Unternehmen, indem wir standortübergreifende Lösungen bieten und die Zusammenarbeit internationaler Teams unterstützen und/oder organisieren..

Projektmanagement und Change Management: Erfolgreiches IT-Projektmanagement und ein effektives Change Management sind entscheidend für den Erfolg großer IT-Projekte. Unsere erfahrenen Projektmanager und Berater begleiten Sie durch den gesamten Prozess.

Mit der BITS haben Sie einen TISAX zertifizierten IT-Partner an Ihrer Seite, der die spezifischen Herausforderungen und Anforderungen von Konzern-IT-Projekten versteht und erfolgreich umsetzt. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre IT-Ziele realisieren und Ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken.

Weitere Details zu ausgesuchten Projekten und Kundenreferenzen finden Sie im Folgenden.

Reduction of CO2 emissions (IT decarbonization) at a globally operating group

As part of this project to decarbonize IT, BITS has taken on the IT project management and consulting. By using innovative technologies, a contribution was made to climate protection.

Conception, planning, control and execution of a data center move with production-critical infrastructure

BITS organized and coordinated the relocation of the IT landscape from one data center to a new data center for a globally active corporation in the automotive industry (data center migration). The project comprised around 150 applications and 600 servers, some of which had production-relevant effects, and was supported by us over a period of 3 years.

Migration and optimization of a legacy application due to end of support and security risks as well as enhancement with new modern interfaces

The task in this project was to migrate and modernize a 20+ year old in-house development for managing technical drawings due to end of support and security risks, and to create a new GUI.

Replacement of existing quality management software by introduction of web-based in-house development

In this project, an outdated quality management software was replaced by an in-house development from another Group subsidiary.

Introduction of two-factor authentication for a leading global provider of commercial vehicles and transport solutions

For a leading global provider of commercial vehicles and transportation solutions, BITS assisted with the implementation of two-factor authentication on an after-sales portal. BITS was responsible for the project management and architecture consulting.

New and further development of a B2B software for order processing in the automotive sector

The goal of this project was to update a B2B software of a leading European vehicle manufacturer to the latest technical state of the art. Thus, not only the security level should be increased, but also the usability should be optimized. Furthermore, additional business processes and functionalities were added to the software.

Cost savings by reducing the amount of memory consumed by SAP systems, establishing monitoring and increasing performance

The goal of the SAP project was to reduce existing storage consumption and thereby save costs in the seven-digit range per year, both in the short term and in the long term.

Internationalization of an application in particular of the function extension for 21 ESA markets as well as for importers

Further development of a Java business application of vehicle service contracts for international use.

Transition Management

We were able to profitably apply our experience in the IT infrastructure sector during the relocation of the complete data centers of a major corporation. The particular challenge was the relocation of the complete server infrastructure within one year during ongoing operations and the resulting high complexity of the processes to be planned.

Development of SEO optimized PWAs

Portal applications are implemented by us as high-performance, SEO optimized Progressive Web Applications (PWA) with ServiceWorker integration and Server Side Rendering (SSR) from a Universal Server. PWA is the state-of-the-art standard for modern, device-independent web applications that can be permanently installed on the client and have the same user experience as device-specific native applications.

Fullstack web development

Fullstack web development is one of our core competencies and has been practiced by our staff for over 25 years. Besides the excellent expert knowledge in backend and frontend development of normal or highly complex web applications, we are also specialized in all related technologies, processes and methods as well as architecture and operation of web applications up to high availability.

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