Realization of MVPs and prototypes

BITS has realized a large number of MVPs, prototypes or proof of conctepts. The central goal here is to test a new idea, an alternative orientation or an improvement with the least possible effort and, if successful, to expand it further.

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The challenge in developing an MVP, prototype, or proof of concept is to specify, implement, and test against the target audience the minimum required functionality of a new idea, enhancement, or improvement. The feedback that arises is taken over and tested again until the set goal is reached.

  • MVP, prototype or proof of concept

  • Fast implementation with iterations

  • Flexible customizable

  • Cost-effective

  • Find best solution

  • Adaptation of inventory software

  • Mobile App (iOS, Android)

  • As a basis for further expansion


In the meantime, BITS has realized a large number of MVPs, prototypes or proof of concepts, making the respective idea optimally attainable. The projects involved enhancements and improvements to existing systems as well as new applications, modules and mobile apps. The later result could always be based on the previously developed status, thus saving time and costs.

  • Development of the solution together with the customer

  • Agile development methods for the greatest possible flexibility

  • Management of local, nearshore and offshore development teams if required

  • Development of the solution together with the customer

  • Agile development methods for the greatest possible flexibility

  • Management of local, nearshore and offshore development teams if required

Project roles at a glance

BITS experts took on the following roles in this project.

  • IT Project Management

  • IT / System Architecture

  • Scrum Master

  • Product Owner

  • UI / UX Design

  • IT Quality Assurance

  • Fullstack development

  • Backend development

  • Frontend development

  • Mobile / App Development

  • DevOps

  • Cloud Engineer


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