Prompt Injection and Security at LLMs, IT Expert in Munich, Bavaria or Germany

In today’s digital world, the security of data and information is critical. As a Munich-based IT service provider specializing in IT consulting, IT project management and software development, we are aware of the challenges and risks associated with Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 and Prompt Injection. Our goal is to help you develop and secure your systems against such threats and protect your data.

Prompt Injection: What is it?

Prompt injection is a technique used by attackers to manipulate LLMs. In this process, a malicious input text (prompt) is injected into the model to get an unwanted or malicious response. These responses can then be misused for various purposes, such as stealing sensitive information or manipulating decisions based on the results of LLMs.

Security risks with LLMs

LLMs such as GPT-4 are capable of human-like text generation and complex task solving. This makes it a valuable tool for companies and organizations. However, they also carry risks, as they can be misused for malicious purposes.

Privacy breaches: LLMs can be used to extract confidential information unintentionally included in training data. This creates data protection risks for companies and their customers.

Misuse by malicious actors: Attackers can use LLMs to create misleading or harmful content that can be disseminated on social media, email, or other communication channels.

Automation of social engineering attacks: LLMs can be used to automate personalized phishing attacks or social engineering campaigns that target specific individuals or organizations.

And many more.

General security measures against prompt injection and LLM risks

To minimize the risks associated with prompt injection and LLMs, companies and organizations should consider security measures.

Training and awareness: conducting training for employees to raise awareness of the security risks associated with LLMs and prompt injection. Teaching best practices in dealing with such systems and how to detect and prevent attacks.

Customization and optimization of LLMs: The adaptation of LLMs to the specific requirements of the company and their optimization to minimize security risks. Techniques such as data cleaning to remove unintended information in the training data and modifications to the model itself can reduce vulnerability to prompt injection.

And many more.

IT service provider from Munich: Your partner for IT security and LLM expertise

We have many years of experience in IT consulting, IT project management and software development. We support companies in the implementation and secure use of LLMs. Our experts work closely with you to develop customized solutions for your individual requirements.

Prompt injection and the security of LLMs are important issues to consider for any company using such models. As an experienced IT service provider from Munich, we offer comprehensive security solutions to protect your systems and data from such threats. Contact us today to learn more about our IT consulting, IT project management and software development services and let us work together to take your IT security to the next level.


Request more information

If you would like more information on this topic or on BITS, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Marc Schallehn, Managing Director BITS GmbH

[email protected]

+49 (0)89 12158550

“I look forward to hearing from you.”

Marc Schallehn Geschäftsführer BITS GmbH

An excerpt of our reference projects and customers

  • datacenter migration rechenzenrum umzug BITS GmbH

Conception, planning, control and execution of a data center move with production-critical infrastructure

BITS organized and coordinated the relocation of the IT landscape from one data center to a new data center for a globally active corporation in the automotive industry (data center migration). The project comprised around 150 applications and 600 servers, some of which had production-relevant effects, and was supported by us over a period of 3 years.