Webinar | Staying ahead with the benchmark framework
21.04.2022: The benchmark framework enables companies to get an overview of their products compared to the competition.
21.04.2022: The benchmark framework enables companies to get an overview of their products compared to the competition.
26.04.2022: Test product ideas on the market quickly and cost-effectively and stay one step ahead of the competition.
12.11.2020: Core business processes are evolving rapidly. Teams with monolithic applications are considering how to migrate them to the cloud.
June 2020 | There is a wide range of funding programs for digitization. But which one suits me? Presentation and comparison of funding programs for digitization.
Tue 19 May 2020 at 13:00 | Historically grown, monolithic software systems have often reached a complexity in the course of time that needs to be mastered in everyday project work. We would like to introduce you to a practicable approach that makes it possible, step by step, to avoid unwanted side effects through code adaptations and to make the complexity of an evolved software system manageable.